Call for Presentations

For RuhrSec 2025, we have once again a call for presentations to allow anyone to propose a talk for the conference.
We do not accept submissions for PR or marketing talks. Pitches for products or vendors are disqualified in general.

Areas of interest are (but not limited to):

  • Internet/Web Security
  • Data and Application Security
  • Network Security
  • Security in the Internet of Things
  • Hardware Security
  • Usable Security
Please submit your proposal to the RuhrSec program committee until the 10th of November 2024 (AoE).

Your talk must have a length of 40 minutes (+5 minutes Q&A) and it has to be in English. If your talk is accepted to RuhrSec 2025 each speaker gets a free conference ticket and access to the awesome evening event. We also offer a travel reimbursement to cover your expenses up to a limit of EUR 1,000 (economy) for each talk.

How to improve your chances of being accepted?
When submitting your proposal, please include the preliminary structure of your talk, and (if possible) a first version of your slides. Also, include videos and/or slides of your previous talks. All additional information will help us to evaluate your proposal. Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Submitting early improves the chances of your talk being accepted.
Please contact us in case that you have any questions.

RuhrSec 2025 submission form

The program committee consists of: Christian Mainka, Karsten Meyer zu Selhausen, Marcus Niemietz, Conrad Schmidt, and Juraj Somorovsky (Hackmanit)

If you are interested in participating in the CfP for the next RuhrSec edition follow us on X, Linkedin, or by subscribing to our newsletter.